Model Outsourcing

Let the modeling & analytics experts at Neos create your ceramic body and process constrains for complex models.  Neos Professional Services can function as an extension of your team to provide the answers you need to have to effectively drive your business.

We offer Neos Aware, development and maintenance services to help you gain freedom to focus on your core competencies and priorities.  These engagements begin with sessions designed to understand your specific business challenges and find the answers and goals you seek to attain.

Neos Outsourcing Services typically include:

[checklist icon=»fa-chevron-right» circle=»yes» size=»small» class=»» id=»»]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Design & Development of ceramic body composition[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Ceramic Tile Model Definition & Design according to Neos Methodology[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Modeling Risk Assessment with Control & Security requirements[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Definition of Model User Types and Requirements[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Ongoing Maintenance[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Model Refinements[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Technology Rule Updates[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Cost reduction and Planning Realignment [/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Model Optimization with Neos Aware Features [/li_item]

Neos will design a customized outsourcing engagement that meets your needs and budget. Please contact Neos at for more information