Failure Analysis

There are many reasons why ceramic production might break, including design problems, raw material quality, manufacturing or processing issues, material interaction, and bad handling. Breakages may occur at any point, from manufacturing to  delivering of good to the consumer.

Issues investigated include:

[checklist icon=»fa-chevron-right» circle=»yes» size=»small» class=»» id=»»]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Flatness[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Thickness[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Environmental Issues[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Tile brooked during the process[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Problems during glazing/decorating[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Others[/li_item]

Circumstances surrounding a breakage can often be unclear, therefore using the evidence present within the production issues to determine the true cause of failure can help to eliminate future problems and resolve disputes, whether between manufacturer and supplier, or when the final user has experienced this problem.

The benefits of using our specialized ceramic services are independence, confidentiality and flexibility.

Failure analysis includes the identification of failure origin and may include special analysis to identify defects.

Techniques used include:

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[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Reconstruction of failed pieces[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Interpretation of defects patterns[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Analysis of defect origins[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Other characterizations[/li_item]

Analysis for a wide range of products, including:

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[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Porcelain Tile[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Monoporosa Tiles[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Monocottura Tiles[/li_item]

For further information, our case-studies provide detailed examples of some of the real and complex scenarios where our expert knowledge, experience and range of analytical competencies have determined the causes of failure and enabled the client to take informed decisions and any appropriate action to take.

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