Neos Optimization

Neos-Aware in its optimization module allows the technician to define the objective functions all constraints, attributes and raw materials of the project.

The objective function can be the maximization or minimization of an attribute or raw material

Defining restrictions are performed in a simple way, where the technician can determine the weight of each of them in the calculation of the optimal composition. The types of constraints that can be set are:

[checklist icon=»fa-chevron-right» circle=»yes» size=»small» class=»» id=»»]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Absolute Attribute[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Against another relative attribute [/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Relationship between attributes [/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Parameters of color against standard values[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Percentage of raw materials and the relationship between them[/li_item]
[li_item icon=»fa-chevron-right» iconcolor=»» circle=»» circlecolor=»»]Percentage of oxides and relationship between them[/li_item]

To perform optimization, Neos has developed mathematical algorithms that combine high-level mathematical functions with ceramic technology. These algorithms are able to solve functions with hundreds of restrictions, by evaluation and optimization, in order to find the optimal formulation for the target established by the company.

Optimization with Neos-Aware offers extensive information, which allows growth of knowledge for both, the user and the platform.

Target Attribute/Raw Material Cost Minimization
Restriction Absolute Attribute MOR dry > 30 Kg/cm2
Attribute versus another Sintering temperature
Relationship between attributes (∆ srinkage)/(∆ Temperature)<0.05
Colour parameter ∆E<0.2
Percentage Raw material % Clay 1 < 50%
Relationship between attributes Clay 1+ Clay 2 > 20%
Percentage of contaminants F- < 600mg/Kg
Percentage between oxides (% SiO2)/(% Al2O3)>3

Screenshot Optimization Terms
